Thursday, August 27, 2009


There will be something new coming to this blog very soon, the addition of a "Guest Artist" monthly post. once a month I will be posting a piece of art, probably for sale, of another artist. These posts may also include some more information about the guest artist, perhaps a small bio, link(s) to their other sites, a mention in the monthly update (coming soon!), etc. Let me know if you would like to be featured on this blog as a guest artist, everyone is welcome!

To be featured as a guest artist, you must send your contact information (name, email, mailing address is preferred but not required) to via email message with a subject of "Guest Artist". Thanks!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


"Haunted Home"

"All Dressed Up, No Where To Go"

"Express Myself pt 1"

"Express Myself pt 2"

"The Mouse Trap"

"The Blue Woods"

"White Out in the Woods"

"Girl in the Woods"

"Light In Chicago"

"The Apple"

"Still Life of a Wine Drinker"

Here is some of my digitally edited/altered photography. All sizes of prints for sale, enquire about size and price.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

SOLD- Collage(s)

"Kim" $5

"Laura" $5


Three collages. Newspaper collages. Charcoal contours of live models drawn on each collage. Some color. (My mom thinks these would look "really cool" in your house so you know you want them!)

"Nicole" $5 SOLD

here's the deal

Being a starving artist, I find myself lacking the funds to create an amazing website to sell my limited amount of art work to the eager to buy public (right!).  I figured that trying to create a web store out of a blog is worth a try.  PLEASE share this site with family, friends, art fiends, rich people, anyone!  We starving artists do like to eat despite the title given to us:)